Haugaard Artist in Residence at Celtic Colours.

150 150 harald@haraldh.dk


Every year major Candian music festival Celtic Colours invites two unique artists to take on a
leading role in some aspect of the festival as our Artists in Residence. This year’s Artists
in Residence are Harald Haugaard from Denmark and Kimberley Fraser from Cape Breton.

Celtic Colours: “As Artist in Residence, Harald’s insight and expertise has been invaluable in
helping with this year’s focus on Nordic music and dance traditions”.

Harald Haugaard will perform a large number of concerts during the festival with his own band
Helene Blum & Harald Haugaard Band and do various cooperations with local artists at the
festival which takes place at Cape Breton Island October 11th-20th.

More info:<br><a href=”http://www.celtic-colours.com” target=”_blank”>www.celtic-

More info:



All stories by: harald@haraldh.dk