1864 anniversary

150 150 harald@haraldh.dk


On April 18th Danes and Germans gather in remembrance of the horrible war about Slesvig
between the Danish and Prussian/German armies in 1864. VIPs from both side of the border such
as H. M. the Queen of Denmark, the Minister President from Slesvig-Holsten and the Danish
Prime minister do speeches for the audience. Helene Blum %26 Harald Haugaard Band perform
selected tunes and songs together with the folkBALTICA Ensemble and Sønderjysk Pigekor which
means that more than 100 artists will be on stage providing music for this special event.
Danish TV2 Syd is broadcasting live: www.tvsyd.dk

More info:



All stories by: harald@haraldh.dk